The day started with low expectations of anything other than a continu...
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy but no guarantee is offe...
A marginally lower start saw Oct’23 trading in the mid 23.40’s, an...
Insight Focus Raw sugar hedging has slowed post-July futures expiry. T...
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy but no guarantee is offe...
Insight Focus Poor weather could mean global sugar production falls in...
The market started lower with a dip to 23.11 as the apathy that prevai...
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy but no guarantee is offe...
Insight Focus Record cane availability in Centre-South Brazil. Weather...
No.11 started on the backfoot today with a dip to 23.37, and though it...
This update is from Sosland Publishing Co.’s weekly Sweetener Report...
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy but no guarantee is offe...