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Vincent O’Rourke

Trader and Market Analyst

Vincent began his career at CZ in 2016 as an analyst in the London Office, focusing on raw sugar flows and the Refineries in North Africa and the Middle East. Since 2019 Vincent has moved to the Miami office, leading the Americas analysis (excluding Brazil) and implementing the new data capture and database processes. Vincent graduated from Edinburgh with a master’s in theology in 2015 and completed a Masters in Emerging Economies from King’s London University in 2016

Açúcar Etanol
  • Fevereiro 26, 2021

Pergunte ao analista: Cana tailandesa, imposto sobre o açúcar, Petrobras

A safra tailandesa será fortemente examinada este ano. Nas últimas d...

  • Junho 7, 2019

Tarifas entre México e EUA: Nada para Tuitar… Ainda

O presidente Trump está ameaçando impor tarifas ascendentes às impo...

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