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UK Winter Farming Challenging as 2025 Price Concerns Grow
Insight Focus The farm has been quiet over Christmas, with sugar beet harvesting ongoing. Winter crops are growing well, though rust and spring regrowth are concerns. Discussions about 2025 sugar…
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How Futures Markets Are Used
Welcome to the second instalment of Czapp’s course on the future...

What is a Futures Market?
Welcome to the first instalment of Czapp’s course on the futures mar...

How to Protect Against Orange Juice Price Volatility
The price of frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) has risen to new ...

Como se proteger contra a volatilidade do preço do suco de laranja
O preço do suco de laranja concentrado congelado (FCOJ) atingiu...

EU Forestry Biomass
Introduction Bioenergy is a source of renewable energy that is produce...

Sugar Production Overview
Sugar comes from two crops: sugar cane (which accounts for 80% of tota...

Açúcar Bruto vs Açúcar Branco
Pontos Principais O açúcar bruto não é ade...

Raw Sugar & White Sugar
Raw sugar is the form sugar takes after the first processing stage of ...

How Does a Re-Export Sugar Refinery Work?
Re-export refiners play a crucial role in the global sugar market as i...

Physical Differentials
Sugar and other commodity prices, typically quoted as physical values,...

Como é calculado o Preço do kg de ATR pelo Consecana?
O Consecana é a associação que tem como objetivo garantir o bom rel...

Czapp Explains: The Australian Sugar Industry
Australia is one of the top raw sugar suppliers in the world, typicall...
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