•  国际糖价走弱,国内糖价可能低位震荡。 


郑糖 & 纽约原糖价格   


  •  截至5月底累计进口食糖93万吨,其中包含80万吨原糖以及13万吨白糖。 
  • 截至5月底约30万吨原糖(不含古巴糖)已经陆续清关入库。   


  • 目前白糖和果葡糖浆(F55等糖价)价差在1650元左右。 
  • 价差虽然收窄,但是预计仍足以刺激终端逐步增加果葡糖浆用量。 


  • 2019年下半年的总供应量预计比去年同期增加约50万吨。 
  • 目前主要供应源仍然是本榨季所产甘蔗糖约340万吨(含广西临储),其次是加工糖的集中供应约235万吨(含国储糖投放)。  

Rosa Li

Rosa graduated from Jinan University in 2012 with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. Rosa joined CZ in 2014 and has been an analyst for 7 years in our Guangzhou office managing the data capture, analysis and visualisation within the Chinese sugar markets utilising her skills in SQL, Python and VBA while also providing content for our platform CZ App. Rosa is also responsible for the localization of CZ App in China – CZ App WeChat, she also assists with the commercial marketing in China and works towards strategy with the trading team.
