Main Points 

  • In the coming days, the Center-South is at risk of more frost.
  • It is still difficult to measure the impact, but the sector is already externalizing concerns.
  • For the time being, we are maintaining our sugarcane number, but we have not ruled out the risk of a more intense break

Watch out for the cane fields this week! 

  • With the cold front forecast for the next few days, there is a new risk of frost.
  • According to INPE (Institute of National Institute for Space Research), the Center-South region is under attention in the next 3 days.

Frost Forecast – Reach throughout the CS region 


  • Being the 29/07 the most intense day, reaching practically the entire Center-South region.

 Difficult to measure… 

  • In an older cane field and hampered by the dry weather, frosts increase concerns about lower availability of sugarcane and ATR.
  • Sugarcane mills and suppliers indicate possible effects on 21/22 and 22/23, but the quantification of the impact should take place when the cane is harvested.
  • We will have the first hints of June frosts this week with UNICA’s biweekly publication.
  • For the time being, we maintain forecasts at 535mmt of sugarcane, but we do not rule out the possibility of a sharper break.

Speaking of Cane  


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